Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thailand - The Land Of Smiles

I recently returned from a week in Thailand which was fantastic. I went there for a 2 day (Monday-Tuesday) teacher training conference, but because of the cost of my flights (my school wanted to send us on the cheapest possible flights), I ended up arriving the Friday before the conference and left the Friday after, which meant more time for eating, shopping and hanging out at the beach - AWESOME!

When we arrived, we were in awe of the tall skyscrapers, efficient public transport and how clean the streets were. Everywhere you turned, there was something to buy - food, clothes, souvenirs. It was fun to be in a place so different to Kathmandu, but at the same time, I realised how much more I wanted to buy because it was there, not because I needed it. In the short week I was in Bangkok, I became aware of how easy it is to consume for the sake of consuming.

Although I've returned to a country with no electricity for 14 hours a day, a limited water supply and dirty streets, there's something comforting about the simplicity of life here. I'm sure that KISC is nowhere near as fancy as the schools the other conference participants teach at, but I'm glad to be teaching in a place where earning money isn't why the teachers are there (90% of the staff are missionaries of volunteers) - we're there to love the kids with the love of Christ by providing them with a quality education.

Looking forward to many adventures ahead! :-)

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