So much has happened in the past 2 months that I'd love to tell you about:
Christmas was spent eating lots of food and enjoying carol services. Being in a Hindu country meant that not that many people celebrated was mainly the Christians and other expats, so the focus was really on the birth of Jesus which was awesome.
As we had school holidays over Christmas and New Years, some friends and I headed to the terai (the lower plains of Nepal) and spent some time in Chitwan National Park. It was lots of fun - riding elephants, doing a jungle walk and taking a nice canoe ride down a river. We saw lots of cool animals such as rhinos, deer and crocodiles, but unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to see a tiger (boo). The highlight for me was when we got to bathe with the elephants. It was fun sitting on the elephant bear back and have it spray water up at us from its trunk.
School started a month ago and I've been busy trying to find my feet as I take small groups of students for ESL classes, sit into classes as a teacher's aid, as well as take care of the Grade 9s as their homeroom teacher. I've also been leading the Christian group that meets on Thursdays at lunchtime. I've been enjoying getting to know the students, although handing out detentions and having to discipline them is all pretty new to me. KISC is a really great environment to work and I thank God for the opportunities I've already had to share Jesus with some of these kids.
After arriving in Nepal, I did a 3 month Language and Orientation Program run by KISC. After I finished the program and started teaching at KISC, I decided to continue with my language lessons twice a week at a different language school. I only started there 2 weeks ago, and last week was REALLY cool! My language teacher, who's not a Christian, started asking me ALL these questions about the Bible and Jesus. He's been to church a few times before and is VERY open to knowing more about why Jesus came. Please pray that we'll continue to have conversations about Jesus and that God will give me wisdom and the words to say. Pray also that what's communicated will be clear, as his English isn't that great, and my Nepali is definitely not at a very high standard.
This year has started out really well and I'm SUPER excited about all that God's gonna do in and through me during the year.
Looking forward to many adventures ahead! xoxo
praise the Lord about your language teacher! its God making him hungry.
also, happy new year :-p
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