It was late on the evening of Friday August 30th, which happened to be a pretty muggy night. I had come home from helping my friend celebrate his Nepaliversary, and as I settled into bed, fan blowing, I thought I felt my bed shaking. Was it just a strange feeling because I wasn't used to sleeping with my fan on, or was I experiencing an earthquake?
I quickly turned on my bedside lamp to see if I could see anything moving. I wished that I had taken the advice of our KISC CEO and put a glass of water on my bedside table as an earthquake indicator. Nothing was moving so I thought it must have been my imagination, rolled over and went to sleep.
The next morning, Facebook told me that there had, indeed, been an earthquake, with its epicentre in Tibet.
'Did you feel the earthquake' was a common question the next day (and continues to be, even 2 weeks later) as people recalled what they were doing when the earthquake hit.
Most people I know slept through it.
One group of friends were playing boardgames til late and quickly ran outside when they felt the floor moving...unfortunately, one of the guys was in such a panic, he left his wife sleeping downstairs...something I'm sure he won't live down for a long time!
Another girl I heard of jumped straight out of bed and ran out into the garden without any clothes on...her husband quickly running behind her, trying to shield her with a sheet.
No matter what the reaction, it was a very real reminder that earthquakes happen in this part of the world, and Nepal is expecting a big one soon.
Since my arrival in Nepal, I've been warned about the threat of a big earthquake. We regularly have earthquake drills at school, and pretty early on, I bought some gloves, crowbars and whistles to put around my apartment.
The day after the earthquake, I realised how underprepared I was, and so I made up a go bag...a bag I can grab in case of emergencies, with the essentials in them.
A few weeks later, I spoke to some of my Nepali friends, and was surprised at how affected some of them were from the quake.
One friend became really unwell from worry and stress and was going on anti-anxiety medication for it!
This might be a crazy link, but when I think about earthquakes, I often think of Christ's return.
We know that an earthquake is expected in Nepal anytime...we don't know when it'll happen, but we know it will happen...just like Christ's return.
We know it's going to happen, so some people are very prepared...they have earthquake alarms, an earthquake kit, go bags and regularly practice earthquake drills. Some people are also prepared for Christ's return - they are sure of their salvation, are continually working on their relationship with Him and are doing what they can to help others also be prepared by sharing with them about Him.
Others, know the earthquake will come but just figure 'whatever happens happens' and aren't so prepared. So it is with Christ's return.
There's a sense of expectancy for both. Where I'll be and what I'll be doing at the time either happens is unknown. All I know is that I need to prepare myself as much as possible for when it does happen.
I don't know if you have earthquakes in your part of the world or if you're ready for if one comes, but I DO know that earthquake or no earthquake, Jesus IS coming back...and that's something we all need to prepare ourselves for.
I quickly turned on my bedside lamp to see if I could see anything moving. I wished that I had taken the advice of our KISC CEO and put a glass of water on my bedside table as an earthquake indicator. Nothing was moving so I thought it must have been my imagination, rolled over and went to sleep.
The next morning, Facebook told me that there had, indeed, been an earthquake, with its epicentre in Tibet.
'Did you feel the earthquake' was a common question the next day (and continues to be, even 2 weeks later) as people recalled what they were doing when the earthquake hit.
Most people I know slept through it.
One group of friends were playing boardgames til late and quickly ran outside when they felt the floor moving...unfortunately, one of the guys was in such a panic, he left his wife sleeping downstairs...something I'm sure he won't live down for a long time!
Another girl I heard of jumped straight out of bed and ran out into the garden without any clothes on...her husband quickly running behind her, trying to shield her with a sheet.
No matter what the reaction, it was a very real reminder that earthquakes happen in this part of the world, and Nepal is expecting a big one soon.

The day after the earthquake, I realised how underprepared I was, and so I made up a go bag...a bag I can grab in case of emergencies, with the essentials in them.
A few weeks later, I spoke to some of my Nepali friends, and was surprised at how affected some of them were from the quake.
One friend became really unwell from worry and stress and was going on anti-anxiety medication for it!
This might be a crazy link, but when I think about earthquakes, I often think of Christ's return.
We know that an earthquake is expected in Nepal anytime...we don't know when it'll happen, but we know it will happen...just like Christ's return.
We know it's going to happen, so some people are very prepared...they have earthquake alarms, an earthquake kit, go bags and regularly practice earthquake drills. Some people are also prepared for Christ's return - they are sure of their salvation, are continually working on their relationship with Him and are doing what they can to help others also be prepared by sharing with them about Him.
Others, know the earthquake will come but just figure 'whatever happens happens' and aren't so prepared. So it is with Christ's return.
There's a sense of expectancy for both. Where I'll be and what I'll be doing at the time either happens is unknown. All I know is that I need to prepare myself as much as possible for when it does happen.
I don't know if you have earthquakes in your part of the world or if you're ready for if one comes, but I DO know that earthquake or no earthquake, Jesus IS coming back...and that's something we all need to prepare ourselves for.
20. a deck of playing cards
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