Friday, April 23, 2010


Thanks to those of you who have emailed and let me know that you will be praying for me as I prepare to go, as well as while I'm in Nepal. Prayer is powerful and I know that God will work through you in awesome ways.

After sending out that newsletter, the responses I received were mainly from friends and family who I had emailed, although I was quite chuffed when I received an email from my friend's parents. I have known this friend for around 5 years, and only met her parents a handful of times. Anyway, they wrote, saying that they heard that I was going and that they were commited to praying for me. I guess I was just excited to know that God is bringing people outside of my 'circle' to support me and that I don't need to worry about having enough prayer or financial support because God's looking after it and He can stir in the hearts of people to pray and give.

Speaking of I received my first pledge of financial support! WOOHOO!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I need to have raised at least 80% before I can book my flights, so knowing that I'm no longer on 0% is great!

Looking forward to the adventures ahead!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's really happening

As I prepare to send out my first newsletter in just a few days time, I can't believe that once I hit 'send', it's really going to be happening...I'm really going to be on my way to Nepal.

Sure...I've been preparing for this for
AGES. I've done short term mission trips, read missionary's biographies, gone to every mission conference or meeting possible to learn more about where God might want me...but now that I've got my support card ready to send out, and people might actually respond and feel led to support me on this journey, my hopes of going somewhere long-term will begin to become a reality.

I actually set up this blog a little while ago, knowing that when I'm away,
I want to have a place where people can come and see what I've been up to, see pics and hear stories.

Check back in once in awhile and see where I'm at.

Looking forward to the adventures ahead!

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